Revive & Restore Update at the Commonwealth Club September 18, 02014

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On Thursday, September 18th, Ryan Phelan and Stewart Brand will be giving an update on the Revive & Restore project at the Commonwealth Club of California. The talk will explore the flagship project of Revive, The Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback, as well as several other projects that have come to fruition since Stewart gave his SALT in 02013. Some of these projects, like Ferreting the Genome, focus on using genetic technology to help species at the brink of extinction that need more genetic variability in their population, while others, like the Heath Hen project, focus on new candidates for de-extinction.


While discussing the science behind these projects, Stewart and Ryan will be giving a broad overview of the ecological motivation behind these projects, the bioethics of de-extiction, and how genetic technology can generally compliment endangered species protections.

This talk will be free for students, $12 for Long Now and Commonwealth Club members, and $20 for general admission. More information can be found here, and a link for the Long Now member discount can be found in your email.

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