Long Now Talks

Members of Long Now

Long Now Member Ignite Talks 02023

With thousands of members from all around the world, the Long Now community has a wide range of perspectives, stories, and experiences to offer. We're excited to showcase our annual curated set of short Ignite Talks created and given by the Long Now Members themselves. Presenting on the subjects of their choice, speakers have precisely 5 minutes to amuse, educate, enlighten, or inspire the audience.

Our speakers and their talks:

Natasha Blum: Famous Last Words: Self-Discovery for Life, Death, and Rebirth
Dave Elfving: My AI Co-Teacher
Altay Guvench: Ultraviolet Exploration: Fluorescence in Nature
Trevor Haldenby: Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Fossil?
Andra Keay: Robotopia
Alyssa Ravasio: Recreation for Restoration
Jason Roberts: To State The Obvious: Addressing History's Blind Spot
Ya'el Shatz: From Dirt to Treasure
Sarah Cameron Sunde: Tides As Metaphor: Proposals Toward Living on Tidal Time
Diane Tate: Oral History and Human Connection
Natalia Vasquez: Visualizing Climate Futures
Jason Winn: Stories as Ancient Maps: A Tale Told for Ten Thousand Five Hundred Years
Connie Yang: Nonagenarians Doing Shit

Join us in-person and online for a fun and fast-paced event full of surprising and thoughtful ideas.

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Long Now Talks are made possible through generous support from Long Now Board of Directors, Long Now members, and lead supporters including Ken and Maddy Dychtwald, Garrett Gruener and Amy Slater, and Greg Stikeleather, among others.
Learn more about how to foster long-term thinking with us.

What is the long now?

The Long Now Foundation is a nonprofit established in 01996 to foster long-term thinking. Our work encourages imagination at the timescale of civilization — the next and last 10,000 years — a timespan we call the long now.

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