Futures Concepts Long-term Thinking The Big Here Digital Dark Age Organizational Continuity Futures Millennial Precedent Archives Long Shorts Long News Projects Announcements Long Now Talks The Clock of the Long Now The Rosetta Project The Interval Long Bets Revive & Restore PanLex Manual For Civilization Disciplines Art Business Cities Civilization Climate Change Computing Culture Economics Energy Environment Evolution Genetics Globalization Government History Infrastructure Language Psychology Science Science Fiction Space Technology Year 02022 02021 02020 02019 02018 02017 02016 02015 02014 02013 02012 02011 02010 02009 02008 02007 02006 02005 02004 OLDER Futures Five Principles for Thinking Like a Futurist By The Long Now Foundation Futures Future Thoughts By The Long Now Foundation Essays The Future Right Around the Corner By The Long Now Foundation Futures The Other 10,000 Year Project: Long-Term Thinking and Nuclear Waste The questions around nuclear waste storage — how to keep it safe from those who might wish to weaponize it, where to store it, by what methods, for how long, and with what markings, if any, to warn humans who might stumble upon it thousands of years in the future—require long-term thinking. By Ahmed Kabil Essays The Future Will Have to Wait By Alexander Rose Announcements Kevin Kelly, "Digital Is Just Getting Started" By Andrew Warner Futures Craters & Mudrock: Tools for Imagining Distant Future Finlands By Vincent Ialenti Announcements Philip Tetlock, "All It Takes to Improve Forecasting is: KEEP SCORE" By Andrew Warner Computing Steven Johnson takes a Long Now Perspective on the Superintelligence Threat By Andrew Warner Announcements Real Future Fair and STEAM Carnival By Andrew Warner
Futures The Other 10,000 Year Project: Long-Term Thinking and Nuclear Waste The questions around nuclear waste storage — how to keep it safe from those who might wish to weaponize it, where to store it, by what methods, for how long, and with what markings, if any, to warn humans who might stumble upon it thousands of years in the future—require long-term thinking. By Ahmed Kabil
Computing Steven Johnson takes a Long Now Perspective on the Superintelligence Threat By Andrew Warner