Long Now Talks

Ezra Klein & Derek Thompson with Michael Pollan


This program is co-presented by City Arts & Lectures, Manny's and The Long Now Foundation.

Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson's forthcoming book Abundance is a once-in-a-generation, paradigm-shifting call to rethink big, entrenched problems that seem mired in systemic scarcity: from climate change to housing, education to healthcare. This evening's program will delve deeper into the abundance agenda within the context of the next and last 10,000 years — a timespan we call the long now.

The moderator will be Michael Pollan. Pollan gave the Long Now Talk Deep Agriculture in 02009.

The history of the twenty-first century in America is one of growing unaffordability and shortage. After years of refusing to build sufficient housing, the entire country has a national housing crisis. After years of slashing immigration, we don’t have enough workers. After decades of off-shoring manufacturing, we have a shortage of chips for cars and computers. Despite decades of being warned about the consequences of climate change, we haven’t built anything close to the clean energy infrastructure we need.

Progress requires the ability to see promise rather than just peril in the creation of new ideas and projects, and an instinct to design systems and institutions that make building possible. Klein and Thompson trace the political, economic, and cultural barriers to progress and how we can adopt a mindset directed toward abundance, and not scarcity, to overcome them.

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Long Now Talks are made possible through the generous support of our lead sponsor Anthropic,the Long Now Board of Directors, key supporters Ken & Maddy Dychtwald, Garrett Gruener & Amy Slater, The Jackson Square Partners Foundation,Greg Stikeleather, and Lawrence Wilkinson, and our members and supporters worldwide.
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What is the long now?

The Long Now Foundation is a nonprofit established in 01996 to foster long-term thinking. Our work encourages imagination at the timescale of civilization — the next and last 10,000 years — a timespan we call the long now.

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