Live Twitter from "Organically Grown and Genetically Engineered" talk

Follow @longnowlive on Twitter for live updates from Long Now events, including Tuesday’s Pamela Ronald & Raoul Adamchak, Organically Grown and Genetically Engineered: The Food of the Future which starts at 7:30 PST. Our special guest live Twitterer for this event is Long Now member Jennifer Leonard.

We encourage anyone else who would like to live twitter about the event to use the #longnow tag on their posts so that anyone can track the aggregate postings.

If you’d like to send in questions to @longnowlive, Jennifer will be in the front row while we sort questions to get them into Stewart’s hands.

Please note that there are still some pre-sale tickets available for the talk, and we will have a walk up line that will be first come first serve to try and fill as many un-claimed seats as possible.  There is also room for 100 walk-ups for the free simulcast in the Lobby – this is a separate line, so get there early!

Feel free to comment on this post with your twitter handle if you want others to know about your live twittering of this event…

PS: For those those of you wondering what Twitter is… here is a video that explains it.

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The Long Now Foundation is a nonprofit established in 01996 to foster long-term thinking. Our work encourages imagination at the timescale of civilization — the next and last 10,000 years — a timespan we call the long now.

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