Some months ago the good folks at set up Long Now with our own Meetup domain Since that time over 450 people have signed up and several meetup groups have become active around the world. These groups have met to discuss the Seminar Series, host a local speaker on long-term thinking, go to a related event, or just get together to discuss similar interests. Brian Eno and I have attended them in London, Laura Welcher (director of the Rosettta Project) spoke at one in Chicago, and groups are now going in Paris, Brussels, New York, Italy, and Portland.
The quality of people and discussion has been excellent at all the group meetings I have seen. Please do sign up if you have the interest, and let us know if you need any help getting a group going in your area. Long Now Associate Bryan Campen is working on a “starter kit” for these groups and we now have a mailing list for all the group leaders to connect with eachother.