The Big Here Concepts Long-term Thinking The Big Here Digital Dark Age Organizational Continuity Futures Millennial Precedent Archives Long Shorts Long News Projects Announcements Long Now Talks The Clock of the Long Now The Rosetta Project The Interval Long Bets Revive & Restore PanLex Manual For Civilization Disciplines Art Business Cities Civilization Climate Change Computing Culture Economics Energy Environment Evolution Genetics Globalization Government History Infrastructure Language Psychology Science Science Fiction Space Technology Year 02022 02021 02020 02019 02018 02017 02016 02015 02014 02013 02012 02011 02010 02009 02008 02007 02006 02005 02004 OLDER The Big Here The Greenhouse Effect, Martian-style In order to properly debate our potential future on Mars, it makes sense to take the long view, considering the broader geological history of the world beyond ours. By Jacob Kuppermann Culture Cataloging the Many Lives of Stewart Brand An interview with John Markoff, the author of Whole Earth, a new biography of Long Now Co-Founder Stewart Brand By Ahmed Kabil The Big Here New Study Models Sea Level Rise Risks at African Heritage Sites The impact of sea level rise on African sites has largely been understudied. By Jacob Kuppermann Archives Interview: Rick Prelinger on Lost Landscapes 02021 & The Human Side of Infrastructure Rick Prelinger’s Lost Landscapes films have become a Long Now December tradition. This year, his cinematic vision expands out from San Francisco to cover the infrastructure of California. We talk to Prelinger about the creative & archival process behind Lost Landscapes 02021. By Jacob Kuppermann The Big Here Stewart Brand Takes Us On “The Maintenance Race” Human life is driven by the essential drama of maintaining — of ensuring continued survival and working against the drive of entropy. Yet maintenance is a largely unheralded presence in our lives. By Jacob Kuppermann The Big Here The Paleoclimate & You: Understanding Modern Climate Change with Ancient Climatological Data By Jacob Kuppermann The Big Here Letters to the Future Uses Plastic Waste To Send Lasting Messages A Vietnamese creative agency finds an unlikely long-term ally in single use plastic. By Jacob Kuppermann Art The Time Machine By The Long Now Foundation Science Explorers Discover Pinnacle of Coral Taller Than Empire State Building in Great Barrier Reef By Michael Garfield Revive & Restore The Deep Sea By Michael Garfield
The Big Here The Greenhouse Effect, Martian-style In order to properly debate our potential future on Mars, it makes sense to take the long view, considering the broader geological history of the world beyond ours. By Jacob Kuppermann
Culture Cataloging the Many Lives of Stewart Brand An interview with John Markoff, the author of Whole Earth, a new biography of Long Now Co-Founder Stewart Brand By Ahmed Kabil
The Big Here New Study Models Sea Level Rise Risks at African Heritage Sites The impact of sea level rise on African sites has largely been understudied. By Jacob Kuppermann
Archives Interview: Rick Prelinger on Lost Landscapes 02021 & The Human Side of Infrastructure Rick Prelinger’s Lost Landscapes films have become a Long Now December tradition. This year, his cinematic vision expands out from San Francisco to cover the infrastructure of California. We talk to Prelinger about the creative & archival process behind Lost Landscapes 02021. By Jacob Kuppermann
The Big Here Stewart Brand Takes Us On “The Maintenance Race” Human life is driven by the essential drama of maintaining — of ensuring continued survival and working against the drive of entropy. Yet maintenance is a largely unheralded presence in our lives. By Jacob Kuppermann
The Big Here The Paleoclimate & You: Understanding Modern Climate Change with Ancient Climatological Data By Jacob Kuppermann
The Big Here Letters to the Future Uses Plastic Waste To Send Lasting Messages A Vietnamese creative agency finds an unlikely long-term ally in single use plastic. By Jacob Kuppermann
Science Explorers Discover Pinnacle of Coral Taller Than Empire State Building in Great Barrier Reef By Michael Garfield